7.5.1 |
Released 2024-10-13
- Fixed bug causing inability to change addon version for Garry's Mod servers
- Fixed bug showing incorrect version number for Garry's Mod addons
- Fixed bug where srcds_win64.exe was not detected when starting seDirector (to prevent duplicate processes)
- Fixed bug that caused srcds_win64.exe/cs2.exe to not be detected when duplicating a server
- Fixed bug in game folder detection that occurred under certain circumstances
- Fixed bug that prevented using the Show/Hide button when srcds_win64.exe was used
- Updated Discord bot dependencies
7.5.0 |
Released 2024-07-24
- Added support for Metamod 2 in CS2
- Added support for CounterStrikeSharp in CS2
- CounterStrikeSharp is hidden from context menu if not supported; same for SourceMod
- Added support for shell selection: cmd/PowerShell 5/PowerShell 7/Windows Terminal
- Added ability to double-click addon and open in Windows Explorer
- Added 'Restart w/In-Game Notification' option in the server context menu, API, and Discord bot commands
- Added 'Update w/In-Game Notification' option in the server context menu, API, and Discord bot commands
- Fixed bug causing addon list not to refresh when using the Check for Updates menu option with Garry's Mod servers
- Fixed bug showing red text in addons dropdown even if addon is not installed
- Fixed bug causing inability to change addon version for Garry's Mod servers (note: may still be broken, will fix in next version)
- Fixed missing translation if a backup failure occurs
- Fixed Discord bot not working on some systems due to API port specification issue
- Fixed an issue in the seDirector plugin that prevented the 60-second countdown notification from appearing in server console during updates
- Fixed but with server addons that prevented upgrading to the latest version when selected in the context menu.
- Fixed issue where hyperlinks opened in Internet Explorer by default; they now open in the default web browser
- Changed CS:GO Game/Skirmish Mode to CS2 since CS:GO is discontinued
- Removed extra code related to Dota 2
- Removed 'master' from the list of addon versions so only numbered versions are shown
- Removed 'zcpu' from Wiremod version list
- Improved how addon information is stored
- Improved how game information is stored, a step towards server templates
- Migrated APIKeyMoreInfo and AddonInfoInfo strings from lang files to independent HTML files for readability
- Refactored several functions for improved speed
- Updated Discord bot dependencies to resolve connection issues due to recent changes in Discord's bot API
- Updated stock map list of CS2 (BZ2 compression is ignored for stock maps)
- Updated CS:GO special instructions to CS2 under Automation
- Updated stock maps to ignore for BZ2 synchronization
7.4.4 |
Released 2024-02-07
- Improved addons dropdown - turned outdated versions red for increased visibility
- Windows will now reflect the current version of seDirector in Add/Remove Programs and Installed Apps
- Removed Dota 2 support: Dota 2 switched from Source to Source 2; Steam has not released a working Windows version - Linux only for now
- Disabled update support for CSGO as Valve has discontinued it. Existing game servers will continue to work but will not update; see https://bit.ly/no-more-csgo for more info
- Disabled first-time prompt asking if you've used seDirector before (for file import) - this was mainly used for very old versions and is no longer needed
7.4.3 |
Released 2023-12-16
- Fixed bug that prevented BZ2 compression & FTP/SFTP sync from working correctly
- Updated stock map list of games to ignore for BZ2 compression (no need to compress stock maps since players already have the maps)
- Updated Discord bot dependencies
7.4.2 |
Released 2023-11-09
- Fixed bug that prevented the Spanish language from loading correctly
- Because of this bug, you may need to download newer version from website if auto-update fails
7.4.1 |
Released 2023-10-14
- Fixed bug with CS2 updates that causes folder to double in size when updated
- If CS2 folder is 68.1 GB, refer to the Discord server announcement for instructions on deleting extra files
7.4.0 |
Version contains CS2 bug, update to 7.4.1
Released 2023-10-11
- Note: Thank you beta testers and translators!
- NEW FEATURE: Added support for CS2
- TF2C now installs correctly through Create Server
- Fixed Dota 2 support
- If player password is not set, sv_password no longer appears in "Command to run" in Server Properties
- Improvements to how the command-line arguments are generated
- Fixed minor text alignment issue in Server Properties for languages other than English
- Added warning to bottom left of Server Properties showing if seDirector plugin is not installed
- Added warning to Execute cfg in Server Properties if server.cfg does not exist and nothing else is selected
- Added "Use from gamemodes_server.txt file" to Server Properties for CS:GO
- Added CORS headers to API
- Set Options & Server Properties windows to not be top-most window (now allows access to other windows while open)
- Changed CS:GO Game Mode / Skirmish to just CS (covers both CS:GO and CS2)
- Switched URL of 'More Info' about CS Game Mode / Skirmish
- Added "Workshop" and "Training Day" game modes to CS Game Mode
- Added "Free For All" to CS Skirmish Mode
- Updated dependencies
7.3.3 |
Released 2023-09-05
- Changed "versions" to "editions" in compare free/pro screen
- Added Wiki to Help menu
- Changed hotkeys in Help menu
- Fixed bug when "Validate update every time" is checked causing server not to fully validate when updating
7.3.2 |
Released 2023-08-11
- Fixed bug causing Manage Subscription button to be disabled for free users that have an account
- Fixed bug in Options where default port not being automatically filled in for new installations of seDirector
7.3.1 |
Released 2023-08-03
- Fixed Server Properties background color issue
- Fixed sizing of Browse button in Server Properties for other languages
- Fixed sizing of RCON Password field in Server Properties for other languages
- Fixed problem when creating start menu & desktop shortcuts
- Improved API error logging
- Changed default API port to 20447 to avoid conflicts (will not change port for existing users unless you click Use Default Port)
- Updated form icon for seDirector_Updater.exe
7.3.0 |
Released 2023-08-01
- Added ability to change API port
- Added detection to prevent an invalid port from being entered
- Improved API port functionality, now detects if port is in use and logs to sedirector_error.log
- Improved restart functionality when changing languages, servers will now remain running
- Less lag when starting seDirector
- Optimized code
- "Check" port function to check if a server's port is already being used
- Troubleshooting now checks both TCP and UDP ports
- Updated translations
- Pending Update now shows blue icon instead of red
- Added force restart if more than 90 seconds has passed since a restart request (avoids failure when exiting server)
- Added force update if more than 90 seconds has passed since an update request (avoids failure when exiting server)
- Team Fortress 2 Classic install through Create Server is temporarily disabled, will be fixed soon
7.2.5 |
Released 2023-05-22
- Fixed bug with API that could cause seDirector to crash
7.2.3 |
Released 2023-03-30
- Fixed bug causing an incorrect addon version to be displayed in some installation of Metamod & SourceMod
- Fixed bug causing SourceMod installation to fail due to an issue moving sourcemod.vdf
- Added error detection for addon backup failure when updating addon
- Improved error handling for addon installation/updating
7.2.2 |
Released 2023-03-26
- NEW FEATURE: Added "Restart server indefinitely" option to Server Properties
- Fixed bug causing the seDirector plugin to be installed into the plugins folder instead of the scripting folder
- Updated plugin version
- Added timeout to web requests to avoid freezing if the seDirector server goes down
7.2.0 |
Released 2023-02-21
- NEW FEATURE: Team Fortress 2 Classic is now supported in Create Server
- NEW FEATURE: seDirector now has REST API functionality (Pro license)
- NEW FEATURE: Server Tasks can now make a GET request to a URL (Pro license)
- Discord Bot has been updated to work with Intents (see setup instructions - they have changed)
- Changed automatic start method to use Task Scheduler to avoid UAC issues
- Changed drive free space warning limit to 50 GB
- Fixed bug causing a canceled download to not cancel correctly
- Fixed bug allowing the creation of server in a non-empty directory
- Fixed bug causing server status to save under the wrong language
- Removed Cleared button from Options
- Updated embedded libraries
- Updated translations, added French
- Adjusted size of Options window
7.1.1 |
- Added support for Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
- Fixed bug in Server Properties that could prevent saving
- Fixed bug that could cause an empty value for Current Map column
- Improved tab order of user controls
- Fixed issue if IP address is checked but not entered
- Fixed minor bug in port checker
- Improved Create Server
7.0.0 |
- Added Pro subscription
- seDirector is still free, but these new features require a Pro subscription
- Added Discord bot
- Added task on server event
- Added task run script/executable + variables
- Added alternative Internet connectivity check (Baidu instead of Google)
- Added Discord relay (if ISP blocks Discord)
- Improved application load time
- Improved task logging - log now includes what triggered the task
- Improved timing when reloading seDirector
- Fixed bug that could interfere with automatic update
- Fixed bug that could have caused testing mode to freeze
- Fixed tasks bug when changing languages - you might need to re-save each of your tasks
- Fixed server status bug when changing languages
- Updated languages files - thanks to the contributors! See Help > About
6.17.2 |
- Added digital certificate to all executables and installer
6.17.1 |
- Fixed bug that could cause seDirector to freeze
6.17.0 |
- Fixed bug that could cause a memory leak
- Updated stock maps
- Added additional restricted ports like POP (SSL/TLS)
- Improved current player and map detection (removed QueryMaster)
- Fixed bug preventing seDirector from restarting successfully after changing language
- Fixed bug causing a server that is running to not continue as expected after changing language
6.16.3 |
- Fixed bug that could prevent a server from automatically updating
6.16.2 |
- Fixed bug that could cause incorrect player count in server list
6.16.1 |
- Fixed bug preventing game servers from automatically updating
6.16.0 |
- Major improvements to seDirector updater - improved reliability and error handling
- Switched to .NET Framework 4.7.2, updated dependencies
- Updated prerequisites in installer
6.15.2 |
- Improved server backup
- Fixed bug in compress logs causing incorrect file name
6.15.1 |
- Fixed a minor bug with FTP/SFTP
6.15.0 |
- sv_hibernate_when_empty is automatically set to 0 on CSGO servers (required for automatic updates to work)
- Updated stock maps to exclude from BZ2 compression
- Many improvements to BZ2 compression & FTP/SFTP sync
- Canceling BZ compression no longer requires re-compressing all files
- Progress bar improved by showing percent done
- Progress bar more accurate
6.14.0 |
- Notifications now occur on all crashes
Current map and players no longer require the seDirector addon - check is performed every 20 seconds
- Fixed IP address showing in server list even if IP checkbox is unchecked
- Fixed date format in log files
- Updated seDirector icon
6.13.0 |
- Fixed bug causing issues restarting servers from task restart in-game plugin
- Fixed bug causing Tasks to not copy over when duplicating a server
- Improvement: tasks now run at second 0 of specified time
6.12.4 |
- Fixed bug causing BZ2 files to compress incorrectly
6.12.3 |
- Added hotkeys to Tools and Help menus
- Added hotkeys to server context menu
- Added language support for Vietnamese
- Changed New Server hotkey from Insert to Ctrl+N
- Enabled Add Server button at all times so that the hotkey will work as expected
- Improved Port Checker
- Improved Internet connectivity test
- Added information in Create Server for TF2C downloads being disabled
- Fixed additional text alignment issues with some translations
- Fixed process priority not being translated
- Fixed bug with SourceMod configuration files in context menu appearing disabled
- Fixed bug causing a silent error when creating a new server
6.12.2 |
- Added language support for Spanish
- Added feature: when saving a Text/CFG file a green dot will flash indicating that the file has been saved
- New Premium Support hours: 12 PM - 12 AM CST
- Added links to Status Page, Report a Bug, Bug Tracker, Feature Request, Roadmap
- Fixed bug causing seDirector to unintentionally log out
- Fixed bug causing Garry's Mod addons disabled
- Fixed text alignment issues with translations, resized many windows
- Fixed bug causing only the maps folder to sync in local directory sync
- Added translations for recommended folder structure
- Added translations for port checker
- Switched bz2 synchronization to internal rather than bz2.exe
- Fixed bug causing Add Server to be enabled when it shouldn't be
- Fixed bug causing servers with a space in the path to exclude all CFG files
6.12.1 |
6.12.0 |
- Added Enable RCON checkbox in Server Properties
- Added support for CSGO Game Modes and CSGO Skirmish Modes
- Added support for Dota 2
- Added support for Team Fortress 2 Classic
- Added seDirector account support
- Improved update check functionality
- Added support for local date format in logs
- Fixed bug causing Tasks not to work as expected
- Fixed bug that left unneeded data in addons folder
- Fixed repeated text in Server Properties
- Added translation support for Notifications tab in Server Properties
- Fixed alignment issue with some translations
6.11.2 |
- Fixed bug with CSGO server detection
- Fixed typo in seDirector update plugin
- Added auto reload of seDirector on language change
- Added language support for Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Danish
- THANK YOU to all the contributors listed in the About section
- Fixed missing translations on menus and tabs
- Fixed missing translations on Optimization and Notifications tabs
- Updated license information in the About section
6.11.0 |
- Added contributors section to About screen
- Updated http URLs to https
- Added SourceMod->Scripting folder in server context menu
- Added additional strings to language files
- Added Status Page to Help menu
- Improved file & folder path statements
- Fixed bug preventing successful troubleshooting test
- Fixed -maxplayers argument missing space
- Fixed bug causing Server Properties not to load server information on error
- Disabled sync & compression when troubleshooting a server
6.10.8 |
- NEW FEATURE: Added "Port Checker" to "Tools" menu and to "Troubleshoot" in server context menu
- Updated stock maps (maps excluded from BZ2 compression) and converted to JSON file
- Added support for multiple languages
- Added language Traditional Chinese
- Updated language files
- Added missing strings
- Fixed spelling & grammatical mistakes
- Converted line breaks to {LB}
- Converted language files to JSON
- Removed HLDSUpdateTool remnants
- Removed negative memory check remnants
- Updated data file comment lines
- Updated Chilkat library
- Added Newtonsoft library
6.9.0 |
- Added "Only update automatically if the server has 0 players" option to server properties
6.8.4 |
- Fixed bug preventing FTP sync from working
6.8.3 |
- Fixed bug causing donation popup to not appear
- Improved internal code structure
6.8.2 |
- Fixed bug that caused server to automatically start after manually updating
- Text/CFG editor now automatically converts Unix end-of-line (LF) to Windows end-of-line (CR LF)
- Improvement in donor system internals
- Updated Chilkat library
- Updated stock map list (excluded from FTP/SFTP sync)
6.8.0 |
- Added "Premium Support" option to Help menu
- Added to context menu of servers: Troubleshoot > Run server without...
- Added to context menu of servers: Open > addons
- Added button in Options: How to start seDirector with UAC enabled but without UAC prompt
- Added Computer Name to Options
- Improved notifications: notifications now include both computer name and server name
- Fixed bug that could cause screen to flicker
- Fixed bug that caused seDirector to loose focus
- Fixed bug that prevented first server selected to show bottom panel
6.7.1 |
- Added "custom game" option in Server Properties
- Added Troubleshoot -> Can my server use this port?"
- Fixed bug causing Server Properties to remain on top of all windows
6.6.2 |
- Fixed bug preventing seDirector from updating
- Fixed bug causing menu to remain if force update is performed
- Fixed bug with UAC
- Fixed bug causing hotkeys to apply on main window when server properties is open
6.6.0 |
- Fixed issue that could prevent seDirector from launching correctly after installation
- Fixed issue launching FTP/SFTP sync, update check, and seDirector updater
- Removed UAC disablement requirement to run seDirector
- Removed Internet requirement for installer to run
6.5.2 |
6.5.1 |
- Create shortcut on Start Menu now creates a shortcut for all users
6.5.0 |
- Updated SourceMod plugins
- seDirector now requires a 64-bit architecture of Windows (most computers are 64-bit nowadays)
- Removed 32-bit version of Visual C++ prerequisite in installer
- Reduced file size of installer
- Fixed bug in installer causing shortcuts not to be created
- Updated Chilkat library to version
6.4.0 |
- NEW FEATURE: Garry's Mod servers now support addons ULib, ULX, Wiremod
- NEW FEATURE: Donors no longer receive donation popup at start
- Fixed bug causing failure when installing addons
- Updated "More Info" under addons
- Updated About window and license information
- Options window now supports creation of Start Menu shortcut
- Updated stock maps (seDirector ignores stock maps when creating bz2 files)
- Fixed bug causing a server to unexpectedly automatically start after being updated
- Updated translations file
- Escape key now closes most windows in seDirector
- Added "Check for Updates" to Addons tab in server properties
- Updated user agent for seDirector
- Updated read me file
6.3.3 |
- Fixed bug causing a crash when backing up or extracting addons
- Improved current addon version number detection (no more '-dev' builds)
- Updated seDirector auto-update plugins
6.3.2 |
- Fixed bug causing the addons update URL to popup in a message box
6.3.1 |
- Fixed bug preventing auto-update & SteamCMD from downloading
- Fixed bug with addon list
- Disabled 'Delete Server' button unless server is stopped
6.3.0 |
- Added language support drop-down, translations coming soon
- Updated addons list to 1.11 branch of SourceMod and Metamod:Source
- If addons version list is empty it will now prompt to redownload the latest addons versions list
- Fixed bug with Workshop Map option
6.2.4 |
- Added 'Directory Synchronization' helper text
- Expanded 'Directory Synchronization' textbox
- Added 'FTP/SFTP Synchronization' helper text
- Added detection of empty notification e-mail address or Discord webhook
- Added 'Save and reopen' text to Text/CFG Editor tab
- Renamed 'server.cfg Examples' to 'CFG Examples'; also renamed examples
- Added dodbits.com to CFG Examples menu
- Added more error codes
- Added SourceMod forum plugins link
- Adjusted Metamod documentation link
- Fixed 'Workshop Map' not disabling map drop-down
- Fixed bug causing 'No available addons to install' to remain
- Changed notification e-mail body font
- Improved 'Copy From Other Server' button on Notifications tab
- Matched 'Save and reopen' text colors
- Help -> 'Donate to seDirector' now opens the donation popup instead of a website
6.2.3 |
- Fixed bug causing Text/CFG Editor to duplicate text when switching tabs
- Added additional buttons to top button area
- Replaced 'Recommended Folder Structure' image URL with base64 version
6.2.2 |
- Fixed bug causing an error message after selecting srcds.exe
- Fixed bug causing the addons list to be empty
- Added additional information in error messages
6.2.1 |
- Fixed freezing issue when computer is offline
- Fixed 'Do not automatically update seDirector' not working
6.2.0 |
- Added 'Do not automatically update seDirector' to Options
- Disabled 'Reorder' from context menu when less than 2 servers exist
- Added donation popup when starting seDirector
- Made 'Default Directory to Browse' apply instantly to Options
- Added 'Open Default Directory' to Tools menu
- Added 'More Info' to 'Default Directory to Browse' on Options
- Added 'Recommended Folder Structure' to Help menu and Options
- Updated labels on Notifications tab of Server Properties
6.1.2 |
- Fixed bug causing seDirector to loop when auto-updating
6.1.1 |
- Various bug fixes
- Reduction in setup executable file size
6.1.0 |
- Fixed bug causing an error message when creating a new server
- Changed "folder" to "directory" everywhere
- Added many new hotkeys
- Added many mnemonic selection on menus
- Added additional icons to SourceMod menu
- Added "Copy From Other Server" on Notifications
- Added "Create server.cfg" to Server Properties
- Fixed duplicating server mistakenly moving folder contents instead of copying
- Duplicate Server now shows a progress bar while files are copying and supports cancelation
- Duplicate Server no longer requires the game folder to be copied
- Added check for steam.inf when server starts
- Improved server properties red highlighing when a field is missing
- Updated the read me file
6.0 |
- NEW FEATURE: Discord notifications
- Reordered events textbox, most recent now on bottom
- Removed requirement of remote directory on FTP/SFTP
- Improved seDirector versioning
5.9 |
- NEW FEATURE: Tasks tab to Server Properties
- Perform actions every day, week, or month
- (1) Restart with or without notifying in-game players
- (2) Update with or without notifying in-game players
- More actions to come later
- NEW FEATURE: Directory Synchronization for HTTP Fast Download
- Use case: if your web server is on the same computer as your game servers
- NEW FEATURE: Reorder servers
- Improved FTP/SFTP connection tests by adding read/write/delete checks.
- Added e-mail/sms notification when a server fails to start
- Redesigned release notes
- Fixed bug that caused srcds/steamcmd windows to load twice in a row
- Changed Server Properties to only close on enter key if on the first tab
- Removed square background from Show/Hide button image
- Fixed bug preventing SourceMod from installing
- Fixed update detected message from looping
- Further improved default column widths
- Updated plugins
5.8 |
- Added auto-update support for Garry's Mod servers (also updating of Current Map & Players)
- Simply install the plugin under Automation like you would on any other game server
- In-game notifications of server updates is also supported with Garry's Mod servers
- Thanks for Oxymoron for coding the LUA script for Garry's Mod (props in script comments)
- Disabled Addons screen for Garry's Mod (will be in development)
- Disabled Addons screen for new servers until server has been saved at least once
- Reorganized Automation tab
- Fixed Left4Dead from not creating correctly in Create Server & now no SteamCMD login is required
- Added better detection of instances where SteamCMD is redownloaded or replaced in Options
- Added better detection of when the Steam username or password is changed in Options
- Improved handling of SteamCMD window
- Updated stock maps list as of 2020-09-04 (so BZIP compression & FTP/SFTP Sync exclude them)
- Fixed a glitch in BZIP compression
- Causing compression of stock map nav files
- Recurring compression of the same file
- To fix any remaining glitches, you may need to delete your compressed files and recompress
5.7 |
- Many thanks to SkyWalker3200 & everyone else for reporting & helping diagnose several issues
- If forced to kill the seDirector process, running servers will be remembered on startup
- If srcds.exe/steamcmd.exe is running and was not started by seDirector, it will notify you
- Uptime now includes leading zeroes
- Column widths of server list are now remembered
- Identified issue using affecting the auto update feature when used with CSGO
- See the Automation tab in any server's properties for more info
- Fixed memory leak causing seDirector to use huge amounts of memory & freeze
- Unfortunately the memory usage calculation is causing this, disabled for now
- Fixed update issue with SteamCMD causing "Error Updating"
- Fixed crash remediation issue causing server not to stop if update failed
- Fixed bug causing Current Map & Players to disappear
- Fixed "Open->CMD in Directory" from opening to wrong directory
- Fixed ending srcds.exe/steamcmd.exe from actually ending process
- Fixed issue showing "controller" (hidden) form in Alt-Tab
- Added SteamCMD parameters to error message in case of a SteamCMD issue
- Added additional checks when selecting a game server's srcds.exe path
- Adjusted default column widths
5.6 |
- Fixed bug if Internet connection is not working or off
- Fixed 'Run FTP/SFTP Sync' being enabled when no configuration exists
- Fixed 'Run BZ2 Compression' being enabled when no configuration exists
- Fixed bug in About window
- Fixed minor bug with buttons
- Added built-in 'Support Request' under Help
- Added 'Discord Server' option under Help
- Improved error messages for Internet connection not working or off
- Improved styling of Release Notes
- Removed Refresh button from top bar
5.5 |
- Fixed context menu bug when updating
- Fixed bug that caused FTP/SFTP test button to get stuck
- Fixed server properties not saving if FTP/SFTP checkbox is unchecked
- Fixed error message if addon lists could not be downloaded
- Fixed update window visibility issues & stopping an update
- Fixed issue when duplicating a server
- Improvements to notifications
- Improvements to general usability
- Removed hldsupdatetool options
- Removed Refresh from menus
- Removed old variables from Servers.xml data file
5.4 |
- NEW FEATURE: E-mail & SMS notifications if a server crashes
- SteamCMD will now update and close automatically when downloaded
- Added force update if Check for Updates is right-clicked
5.3 |
- SteamCMD will now update SteamCMD after its initial download
- seDirector will now update automatically without stopping servers
- Fixed truncated verbiage when browsing for a default directory
- Fixed Tools->Reload seDirector
- Fixed upgrading error message
- Added info about RDP connections in Help menu
5.2 |
- Disabled automatic seDirector update check on timer
- Fixed uninstaller not appearing correctly (see FAQ for more info)
- Fixed installer not creating shortcuts in start menu or desktop
5.1 |
- Fixed checkbox "Start on Windows startup" not applying
- Added Donate button
- Updated backend URLs